By Judy Thorburn This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Owner/Editor in Chief/writer - Las Vegas Round The Clock
Owner/Editor in Chief/writer - The Flick Chicks
Director of Communications - Nevada Film Alliance
Escapology Celebrates Opening In Las Vegas
Escapology held a grand opening of its first Las Venue venue located on 2797 S. Maryland Parkway, on the afternoon of February 21. Among the invited guests and attendees were several Las Vegas dignitaries including representatives from the Clark County Commissioners Office, the City of Las Vegas and the Chamber of Commerce, who partook in the ceremonial ribbon cutting at 3:30 pm.
Escapology ribbon cutting
Photo credit: Stephen Thorburn
Photo credit: Stephen Thorburn
Escapology’s live escape games immerse players into storylines, presenting a fun, interactive 60-minute challenge. Working as a team of two to six people, players hunt for clues, break codes, solve puzzles and complete mental and physical challenges to engineer escapes.
As players hatch exit strategies, game masters use closed-circuit television to send cryptic messages to a monitor in the room. Theme music builds tension and a countdown clock keeps pressure pulsing.
Escapology founder and CEO Simon Davison said the popularity of escape games has exploded. Escapology’s first venue, on International Drive in Orlando, Florida, opened in June 2014 and has since served more than 50,000 players a year and more than 120,000 customers overall.
Escapology founder and CEO Simon Davison
Photo credit: Stephen Thorburn
Celebrity Impersonators and Tribute Artists From Around The World Gather For The Reel Awards & Tribute Artists Convention
The 23rd Production of The Reel Awards, an entertaining two and a half-hour tongue in cheek parody, spoof, and tribute to the real Academy Awards, featuring celebrity impersonators & tribute Artists from around the world, took place on Monday evening, February 20, 2017 at the Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, in downtown Las Vegas. During that same week, the Tribute Artists Convention offers participants the opportunity to meet and network with others in the business, attend seminars and perform in showcases for talent bookers, managers, agents, producers and the general public.
The Reel Awards show awards were presented in 15 categories for excellence in the field of impersonation interspersed with live vocal performances (no lip syncing) by an impressive roster of talent in tribute to their respective characters. Co-hosts for the show were two impersonators, Dee Dee Hanson as Joan Rivers (California) and Bobbie Winslow as Fran Drescher (Texas), who delivered upbeat and entertaining back and forth banter in character, introducing the awards presenters and the evening’s featured performers.
The Reel Awards kicked off at 5 pm on Fremont Street in front of the Golden Nugget with red carpet arrivals hosted by none other than Joan Rivers impersonator, Dee Dee Hanson, who interviewed a long line of celebrity impersonators. Awards show nominees, presenters, and entertainers along with VIP celebrity impersonators and tribute artists in full character strutted their stuff on the red carpet that was bordered with a line of camera crews and reporters, along with a crowd of locals and tourists who gathered in excitement at the chance to see the faux stars in action.
The Reel Awards Show began at 7:00 pm with an stellar roster of tribute artists slated to perform including James Anthony as Frank Sinatra (Virginia), Suzie Kennedy as Marilyn Monroe (United Kingdom), Troy Anderson as Louis Armstrong (Florida), Andrea Tyler as Adele (Florida), and Bill Pantazis as George Michael (British Columbia). The second half featured performances by Sherie Rae Parker (Nevada), Pavel Sfera as Bono (California), Keith George as Boy George (United Kingdom & Tenerife), Kathy Shelby as Wynonna Judd (Nevada), Connie Crawford as Naomi Judd (Nevada), Heidi Thompson as Cher (Nevada), and Gene Sironen as Elton John (Nevada).
Fifteen Reel Awards were presented throughout the evening in various categories. The awards hostess was Erika Winslow as Lady Gaga (Texas). Each award recipient was introduced by two celebrity impersonators who presented “The Can” which is a gold film can inscribed with the name of the award and the recipient. Presenters hailed from throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Germany. Honors were awarded to those who have risen to the top of the tribute artist entertainment industry and to individuals who have paralleled the success of some of Hollywood’s most famous entertainers in movies, television, and music, as well as famous names in politics and sports. Recipients of The Reel Awards are nominated by their industry peers through an electronic ballot process based on their performances and accomplishments throughout the year.
Below are the winners of 2017 REEL AWARDS
• Best Actor: David Born as “Robin Williams” (Texas)
• Best Actress: Suzie Kennedy as “Marilyn Monroe” (United Kingdom)
• Bea Fogelman Lifetime Achievement Award: Dee Dee Hanson as “Joan Rivers” (California)
• Comedy: David Born as “Robin Williams” (Texas)
• Newshound Award: Marcel Forestieri as “Donald Trump” (Nevada)
• Peter Banks Humanitarian Award: Camille Terry as “Marilyn Monroe” (Florida)
• Tribute Band: David Brighton Space Oddity Tribute to “David Bowie” (California)
• Rising Star: Andrea Tyler as “Adele” (Florida)
• Country’s Hottest Hitter: CJ Morgan as “Dolly Parton” (Tennessee)
• Pop N’ Rock for Reel Award: Keith George as “Boy George” (United Kingdom & Tenerife)
• R & B Feelin’ Good Award: Tony McKay as “Prince” (California)
• Classic Crooner: Gary Anthony as “Frank Sinatra” (Nevada)
• Impersonator You Love to Work With: Matt Kay as “Johnny Depp” (Florida)
• Gene Greytak Most Professional Impersonator Award: Sherie Rae Parker as “Bette Midler” (Nevada)
• Director/Producer: Kurt Brown, Brown Productions for “All Shook Up”, “The Man in Black,” “Man In The Mirror,” and “Superstars on Stage” (Nevada)
David Born as “Robin Williams”
Photo courtesy of The Reel Awards
Suzie Kennedy as “Marilyn Monroe”
Photo courtesy of The Reel Awards
Marcel Forestieri as Donald Trump wins 2017 Newshound Reel Award while Suzie Kennedy as Marilyn Monroe looks on
Photo by Allen Dye Photography
Andrea Tyler Adele
Photo courtesy of The Reel Awards
Keith George as "Boy George"
Photo courtesy of The Reel Awards
Pavel Sfera as Bono holding rosary
Photo courtesy of The Reel Awards
Mycki Manning as Melania Trump and Marcel Forestieri as Donald Trump at the 2017 Reel Awards
Photo by Allen Dye Photography
THE REEL AWARDS was initially conceived in 1989 by Janna Joos of International Celebrity Images and Alana Joos of Entertainment Express. Together they came up with the idea of an Awards Show for Celebrity Impersonators, Tribute Artists, and Look-Alikes as a way of acknowledging their professional performances in the entertainment industry, as well as encouraging up and coming new talent. The first Awards Show was presented in March 1992 in the Blossom Room of the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, the home of the first Academy Awards ceremony in 1928. THE REEL AWARDS spoofs other award shows that are like the Academy Awards. Instead of the “Oscar,” the award recipients receive the “Can,” which is a film reel can inscribed with the award category and winner’s name.
Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada Celebrates Opening The Wishing Place On Allegiant Campus In Summerlin
On Friday morning, February 10, Make-A-Wish® Southern Nevada, the nonprofit organization that grants magical wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses to empower them with hope and joy, celebrated the official dedication and opening of its own magical wish: nearly 7,000 square feet of office space generously donated to the nonprofit by Allegiant.
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn G. Goodman; Las Vegas City Councilman Bob Beers; Clark County Commissioner Larry Brown; Allegiant executives, including Allegiant Chairman and CEO Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr.; company executives and staff; wish kids and families; members of the Make-A-Wish staff and board of directors gathered for a brief ceremony that marked the official opening of The Wishing Place, located at 9950 Covington Cross Drive in Las Vegas.
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
Beginning January 1, 2017, Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada began occupying the space at a cost of $1/yearThe Wishing Place will not only be headquarters to all of the work of the non-profit organization, but it will also be a spot where Wish Kids and their families alike can visit for hope, warmth, and inspiration during illness and recovery.
Other donors and partners who contributed to the redesign of The Wishing Place include the architectural firm of Pugsley. Simpson.Coulter; Henderson Engineering, Jessica Kalb and Shannon Fore who donated design services; Martin Harris Construction, One Stop Flooring and Artistic Iron.
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
Sue and Dana Wagner
Photo courtesy of Make A Wish of Southern Nevada
“Thanks to the generosity of Allegiant and many others, we have effectively eliminated a significant line item in our budget,” said Carolie Ciocca, president and CEO, Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada. “This is a huge cost savings that creates more available funding to focus on what we do – granting wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. We are humbled and grateful to Allegiant, and one of the best parts about being on their campus is the capability to cultivate an even stronger relationship with Allegiant employees as ambassadors and volunteers of our mission to grant wishes.”
“All of us at Allegiant are thrilled to be able to provide a wonderful new home for Make-A-Wish Southern Nevada, and to welcome the many volunteers and staff members who make wishes reality to our campus,” said Maurice J. Gallagher, Jr., chairman and CEO, Allegiant. “Our partnership with Make-A-Wish, supporting the incredible work they do, brings a great sense of pride to our team – throughout the Allegiant network, and especially here in the hometown we share.”
The Animal Foundation Celebrates the Grand Re-Opening of PetSmart Charities Everyday Adoption inside PetSmart Henderson
The Animal Foundation, in partnership with PetSmart Charities, the leading funder of animal welfare in North America, celebrated the grand re-opening of its PetSmart Charities Everyday Adoption Center located at 286 West Lake Mead Parkway, on the morning of Feb. 17. In attendance was The Animal Foundation’s chief operating officer, Carly Scholten, The Animal Foundation’s chief finance and development officer, Daniel Neel, and PetSmart district leader, Dave Vale. To mark the occasion and kick off PetSmart Charities’ National Adoption Weekend (Feb. 17-19), local bakery Loren’s Vegas Delights, in conjunction with The Cookie Zoo, donated Las Vegas’ largest dog treat, which was presented to the organizations.
After Vale welcomed the crowd, Neel and Scholten spoke about the importance of animal adoption and how much this partnership means to animals throughout the valley. Following the remarks, Vegas’ largest dog treat was presented, measuring almost three feet long. The treat was then distributed to all the dogs inside the Everyday Adoption Center to help welcome the animals back into the space and commemorate the grand re-opening.
Operating as Nevada’s largest open-admission animal shelter, The Animal Foundation is proud to work with PetSmart Charities and support National Adoption Weekend. To honor the charitable weekend, all dogs six months and older at The Animal Foundation and PetSmart Charities Everyday Adoption Center were available for a discounted adoption fee of $50, through Feb. 19.
The grand re-opening of the Everyday Adoption Center was made possible by PetSmart Charities’ generous contribution of more than $100,000 to help finance staffing needs, purchase crucial supplies and assist with operational costs for the adoption center. The funding support is expected to contribute to multiple years of operation.
Additional recent and upcoming “happenings” in and around Las Vegas include:
In its new study on the top spots for rewards travel, SMART ASSET. a financial technology company, uncovered which locations offer travelers the best value on airline miles, along with plenty of hospitality and recreational options, and Las Vegas was ranked as fourth.
MINI MARDI GRAS is coming to Main Street in Downtown Las Vegas this Saturday / Fat Tuesday. Over 20 mini floats are expected to participate and will march starting this Saturday, February 25th @ 7pm - from ReBAR - 1225 S. Main Street.
The floats and spectators will travel together, with a live new orleans style band, to Velveteen Rabbit, Hop Nuts, Artifice, Mingo, Cornish Pasty and end up back at ReBAR. Float-builders are being given FREE BEADS and FREE BEER while participating along the parade route. The beads will be passed out by float builders to spectators positioned along the parade route. This is a completely FREE event - however you must be 21 or older to enter the taverns involved. Two different parades will run on two different days. The first is this Saturday, February 25th and is being done as a press / promotional parade. The 20+ mini floats have been hand crafted using cardboard and other materials from local businesses and residents from across the valley.
THE ONLY RULES are that #1 - All Floats must be at least partially constructed of cardboard. #2 All Floats must be a maximum 34" inches wide so it can fit through doors (although we suggest much smaller if possible), and lastly #3 All Floats must be at least partially hand made (not store bought). The AWARDS PARADE will happen on Fat Tuesday, February 28th at 7pm, at ReBAR - 1225 S. Main Street - 89104.
Besides the free beer and beads being given to participants, all float creators will receive five (5) raffle tickets to win the Absolut MotoBike being given away on Fat Tuesday at the event!
Broadway Bound will present “ALL SHOOK UP" Shook,” a high-energy musical comedy built around a number of songs made famous by Elvis Presley, on February 24 – March 5, at the Summerlin Library, 1771 Inner Circle Drive .Dates and showtimes are as follows: Friday, Feb. 24 – 7 p.m; Saturday, Feb. 25 – 1 p.m. and 7 p.m; Sunday, Feb. 26 – 1 p.m.; Monday, Feb. 27 – 7 p.m.; Thursday, March 2 – 7 p.m.; Friday, March 3 – 7 p.m.; Saturday, March 4 – 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 5 – 1 p.m.. Tickets for “All Shook Up” are $15 each. Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased by calling (702) 838-5131 or online at
The Broadway Bound program at Studio One’s Summerlin Dance Academy is the first of its kind in Las Vegas to provide its students instruction in acting technique, singing and dancing, as well as offer youth in the community opportunities to be cast in full-scale, multi-show productions. Net proceeds from Broadway Bound shows are donated to Broadway Bound Kidz, a non-profit organization, which is committed to the enrichment, entertainment and education of young people in a theater arts and dance environment. Broadway Bound’s mission is to provide the Las Vegas community with live Broadway style musicals performed by children ranging in age from 5 to 18 years old. Broadway Bound offers courses at the Studio One’s Summerlin Dance Academy to children ages 5 and up.
Two of the hottest bars on the Strip – ALTO BAR AT CEASARS AND BOUND BY SALVATORE AT THE CROMWELL will celebrate the pinnacle of awards season, THE ACADEMY AWARDS, on Sunday, Feb. 26. At Alto Bar, guests can debate the best of fashion and film over a special cocktail crafted for the evening—the Femme Fatale ($20) made with Hennessy VSOP, pineapple and topped with Veuve Clicquot. Guests can also enjoy special pricing on glasses of Dom Pérignon, Veuve Clicquot, Hennessy and Belvedere. Guests joining in on the star-studded celebration at Bound by Salvatore at The Cromwell will receive a celebrity-worthy welcome with a complimentary glass of Moët & Chandon. Special pricing on sophisticated cocktails starring Hennessy and Belvedere will also be available for imbibing. Both celebrations will commence at 5:30 p.m.
Dress for Success Southern Nevada will hold its semi-annual “SHOP FOR SUCCESS” SALE March 4-5 at Spring Valley High School (3750 S. Buffalo Dr), offering shoppers the opportunity to buy new and nearly new professional attire and accessories at significantly reduced prices. All funds raised during the excess inventory sale benefits Dress for Success Southern Nevada, the local nonprofit that provides gently used professional clothing, a network of support, and career development tools to empower women to achieve economic independence. Shoppers will enjoy reduced prices on professional clothes for women at the sale, such as sweaters and blouses for only $6, jackets and dresses for only $10, and suits and coats for $20, as well as accessories like purses, scarves, jewelry and beauty products. The event will also feature special sections dedicated to designer brand items, luxury handbags and teen clothing. On Sunday, shoppers can buy a shopping bag for $25 and fill it with as many items as it will fit (some exclusions apply)
DELANO LAS VEGAS has partnered with the LAS VEGAS FASHION COUNCIL to showcase a DYNAMIC MANNEQUIN EXHIBIT CREATED BY LOCAL ARTISTS now through May 2017.Featuring 10 individually designed mannequins, known as Madisons, the exhibit is inspired by the idea that each being has their own personal journey and path to follow. Each figure has been created with its own identity and guests are encouraged to spend time with each Madison to reflect and interpret their own stories. Delano continues to celebrate local artists with this showcase that includes works from Las Vegas Academy and Core Academy students, popular Las Vegas-based art duo Joel Spencer & Nova May and many others. Following their time in the Delano lobby, the mannequins will be auctioned off at the Las Vegas Fashion Council’s annual event, artLIVE! 2017.
ROUTE 91 HARVEST will return for a fourth year to Las Vegas Village with high-rollers Jason Aldean, Eric Church and Sam Hunt leading the star-powered lineup. Lauren Alaina, Big & Rich, Lee Brice, Kane Brown, Brothers Osborne, Josh Abbott Band, Maren Morris, Jake Owen, Michael Ray, High Valley, Brett Young and more will also Join the Three-Day Party. Route 91 Harvest Festival offers an experience completely unique to festival-goers, making it the perfect weekend getaway for both locals and tourists alike. The three-day neon sleepover also boasts a second stage, dubbed “Next From Nashville Stage,” which has built a reputation for introducing fans to the future of country music. Neon Sleepover Will Take Place At Las Vegas Village Sept. 29 - Oct. 1; Three day passes Go On Sale March 3 at 10 a.m. PST.
The 16TH ANNUAL RUN AWAY WITH CIRQUE DU SOLEIL 5 K RUN and 1 MILE FUN WALK will return to the Springs Preserve on Saturday, March 11, transforming the venue into a completely interactive, one-of-a-kind Cirque du Soleil experience perfect for the entire family. Pre-registration is now open at, with those who register by Wednesday, March 1 eligible for a special early bird discount. The first 1,200 participants to sign up will also receive a free Cirque du Soleil T-shirt upon arrival.
Guests will have the rare opportunity to mingle with their favorite Cirque du Soleil artists in full costume. This year, they will also be encouraged to "show off their Cirque spirit" by dressing up in Cirque du Soleil-inspired outfits at the event, with a special prize rewarded to those with the most creative ideas. There will also be live music, complimentary refreshments from Starbucks and Whole Foods, a circus play area and more.
Early bird registration fees are $37 for adults and $27 for children ages 3 – 12 who sign up for the 5K run, with discounted fees at $27 for adults and $17 for children who participate in the 1-mile fun walk. After March 1, all prices will increase by three dollars. On-site registration will begin at 7 a.m. followed by pre-race activities and warm-ups starting at 8 a.m. The race will start promptly at 8:30 a.m., followed by live music and a special awards ceremony at 10:30 a.m.
KENNY WAYNE SHEPHARD BAND will bring their chart-topping, blues-infused hits to The Orleans Showroom March 10 and 11. Showtime is 8 p.m. each night. Tickets start at $29.95 plus taxes and fees, and can be purchased in-person at The Orleans box office or gift shops at Suncoast, Gold Coast and Sam’s Town. Tickets may also be purchased the day of the show (depending upon availability) at the venue box office.
DOWNTOWN SUMMERLIN will kick-off basketball finals with a sports-driven event on Thursday, March 16 when the destination will host a TIP-OFFf TAILGATE BLOCK PARTY in partnership with Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa and Dave & Buster’s. The event takes place from 2 p.m. – 10 p.m. on Park Centre Drive and includes a paid VIP tent along with family-friendly experiences that are free and open to the general public.
For true sports fans, the Dave & Buster’s VIP section is the place to be. This experience boasts big screen TVs for optimal viewing, plush seating, mobile betting, a cigar lounge, three drink tickets included, a cash bar and unlimited tailgate food. Tickets are $50 per person. VIP tickets are available the day of the event. Seating is limited.
If you are looking for a family-friendly fan experience, Downtown Summerlin, the public event offers meet and greet and photo opportunities with NBA sports greats Larry Johnson, Moses Scurry and Anderson Hunt. KLUC’s Chet Buchanan serves as the event emcee. Other not-to-be-missed additions include half court shoot-out challenges, oversized lawn games, game face painting, photos with Summerlin Sam, a cheerleader braid bar from Vent Blotique and much more!
For the eighth consecutive year, New York New York Hotel & Casino will celebrate the luck of the Irish at its famous CELTIC FEIS FESTIVAL, March 17 and 18. The two-day extravaganza will feature a celebratory parade, live entertainment and authentic Irish bites at Nine Fine Irishmen. Festivities kick off on Friday, March 17 with live entertainment beginning at 11 a.m. on the Brooklyn Bridge. The Las Vegas Pipe Band will lead a celebratory parade at 10 a.m., starting on the Mezzanine and continuing through New York-New York. Following the procession will be a traditional Guinness toast led by the Drum Major of the Las Vegas Pipe Band, Ken Misch, and President and COO of New York-New York, Cynthia Kiser Murphey. The parade is complimentary and open to guests of all ages. Starting at noon on March 17, guests must be at least 21 years of age and admission starts at $10.
The “King of Song” NEIL SEDAKA will return to The Orleans Showroom to perform hits on March 17-18. Showtime is at 8 p.m. each night. Tickets start at $69.95 plus taxes and fees, and can be purchased in-person at gift shops inside The Orleans, Suncoast, Gold Coast and Sam’s Town. Tickets may also be purchased the day of the show (depending upon availability) at the venue box office.
Stations Casinos is partnering with Mix 94.1 to bring the annual SPRING FLING CONCERT to the Sandbar poolside venue at Red Rock Resort on Friday, March 17 at 7 p.m. This year’s event will feature performances by ONEREPUBLIC, GAVIN DEGRAW AND ANDY GRAMMER. Tickets are $43 plus tax and applicable fees. Doors open at 6 p.m. and guests under 21 years must be accompanied by an adult. A portion of all tickets sold will be donated to a charity of the artists’ choice. All tickets can be purchased at any Station Casinos Reward Center and The Fiestas.
Celebrity sightings:
Thursday night, February 22..
Real Housewives of Orange County” star Vicki Gunvalson enjoyed dinner with two friends at LAVO Italian Restaurant in The Palazzo.
At TAO Nightclub in The Venetian, NFL player Ronnie Hillman partied the night away at a VIP table during Worship Thursday as DJ Five manned the decks.
Wednesday, February 22...
In the afternoon, dancer and actress Julianne Hough was spotted at Kumi Restaurant and Bar inside Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino while in town to promote her MPG athleisure collection at the Project Women’s tradeshow.
TV personality NeNe Leakes enjoyed dinner with eight of her friends at Beauty & Essex in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
Tuesday, February 21...
Comedy hypnotist Kevin Lepine and magician Bizzaro were spotted at the Grand Opening celebration of Escapology.
American hip-hop recording artist, MadeinTYO delivered an explosive performance during Feature Sneaker Boutique's official Vegas fashion week party at Hyde Bellagio. Later in the evening, DJ Ikon took over the turn tables.
Monday, February 20...
At night, Recording artist Sean Kingston partied the night away with friends at Marquee Nightclub in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas during Marquee Mondays. The group took in the night from their VIP table DJ Mustard played hit after hit.
Sean Kingston friend at Marquee
Photo credit: Brandon Pearson/Tony Tran Photography
Sunday, February19...
In the afternoon, Sacramento Kings player Ben McLemore was spotted at Marquee Dayclub Dome in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. The basketball player and his friends were seen enjoying the Halfway to EDC party from a VIP cabana. The group danced along to Carnage’s set.
Also at Marquee Dayclub was DJ duo Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike, taking in the party from the DJ booth as Carnage manned the decks.
Canadian- American actor and comedian Will Arnett was spotted at OMNIA Nightclub inside Caesars Palace with 11 guests. Rumor has it he is on location in Las Vegas filming the live-action family comedy “Show Dogs,” set to be released later this year.
Saturday, February 18...
Imagine Dragons frontman Dan Reynolds was spotted dining inside the Main Dining Room at Hakkasan Las Vegas Restaurant celebrating a belated Valentine’s Day as well as his anniversary,with his lovely wife, Aja Volkman.
Continuing her 21st birthday celebrations, “Pretty Little Liars” star Sasha Pieterse took the party to TAO in The Venetian. After dinner, she and her group of friends headed upstairs to the nightclub to continue celebrating and party the night away at a VIP table as DJ Five was behind the decks.
At Marquee Nightclub in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas was actor DJ Qualls and comedian Jim Jefferies along with a group of friends who were there to celebrate Jefferies’ recent birthday. The group took in the night from a VIP booth as Halfway to EDC was in full swing and Andrew Rayel was headlining the night.
Friday night, February 17...
Harrah’s headliner magician Mac King was in the audience enjoying Earl Turner’s show “My Journey” at South Point Hotel & Casino.
Aaron Turner, finalist on Season 10 of So You Think You Can Dance was delighted to join his talented father performer Earl Turner on stage at his father Earl's Show, "Earl Turner - The Journey" at the South Point Casino/Hotel.
Aaron Turner and Earl Turner
Photo credit: Dianne R. Davis
“Pretty Little Liars” star Sasha Pieterse celebrated her 21st birthday at Marquee Nightclub in The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. The actress and her friends partied the night away at their dancefloor table as DJ Ruckus headlined the night. In honor of the birthday girl, Marquee staff surprised her with a celebratory presentation complete with a “Pretty Little Liars” themed cake.
Sasha Pieterse at Marquee for 21st Birthday
Photo credit: Andrew Dang/Tony Tran Photography
Thursday night, February 16...
Sacramento Kings player Willie Cauley-Stein was spotted at TAO Nightclub in The Venetian. The NBA star took in Worship Thursday with friends at a VIP table as Justin Credible manned the decks.